The Lighter Side of Gambling – Or, Why We Enjoy The Game So Much

We’ve been writing about the art and science of gambling online for a very long time now. In fact, we can hardly remember a time when we didn’t rush to our office, put out an article, and reflect on the positive side of gambling. Far too many outlets focus on the downsides of gaming, and there certainly are those. But we feel that for most people, gambling is a form of entertainment.

But if you’re looking to have a little more “life” intertwined with your gambling, you have to check out these videos. We believe that when people get together to have fun, there’s a bit of magic that comes to life. Our every day lives are honestly a bit boring — queueing up for food, going through tax documents, waiting for in-laws to come round for a Sunday dinner…there’s a lot of stuff, but not necessarily a lot of fun.

That’s where you come in, dear reader. Check out these fun slice of life videos, where regular people like yourselves are invited to take time out to be a little kind, a little fun, and more than just a little funny. This first video had us excited, but it really took the crazy London Underground to get us all laughing.

When’s the last time you really laughed because something was truly hilarious? We hold a lot of stress in because we think that’s what everyone does. Naturally, you can’t always take a holiday or run off from your problems, but maybe taking more time out of your day to laugh and generate happy feelings could make a world of difference.

See, we’re not always talking about gambling per se. But since this is a gambling blog, we could mention that if you take more time to let the stress go, you actually play a lot better. We can’t put our finger on any specific study, but we can say that after years of gambling online, there’s no better advice. Take some time to laugh, and then go out there and play. After all, if you don’t laugh – and play! — you can’t win, now can you? Good luck!

How online casinos are advancing the casino industry

Over the last few years we have seen a slow decline in the number of casinos, with even the biggest casinos in Las Vegas reporting losses in revenue. The online casino industry however has been booming, with more people than ever taking up games such as online slots.

Recently, Casino Bonus Tips ran a survey of 500 online casino players, to find out what they thought about the claims that online casinos are helping the casino industry reach a much wider audience.

A huge 85% of the respondents said that they agreed that online casinos did in fact allow those less likely to visit a casino, a chance to explore the world of slots through the many online casino sites. When asked what effect they felt this would have on the casino industry, many said they felt it would greatly increase the profits and introduce beginner gamblers to a new platform in order to enjoy the games.

This online casino boom and the relaxation in advertising regulations, have seen many online casino and bingo TV adverts grace our screens, as well as our billboards and magazines. By making games such as slots and roulette accessible to a huge and varied audience, online casinos have helped to normalise and take away the slightly threatening persona they once had. The advancement in mobile technologies have helped to give people the option of gaming on the go and again, has increased the reach of casino gaming. Continue reading “How online casinos are advancing the casino industry”

Four big-winning celebrity gamblers

From the outside looking in, it would appear as though celebrities – during an age in which their type are lauded as some form of human deity – are already very much winners at life.

Entire teams of staff are assembled to cater to their every whim – they are dressed, pampered and revered to within an inch of their life.

Good looks, money in the bank and a job that requires you to talk in front of a camera, sing into a microphone or chase around after a ball, some people seemingly have it all.

Even when the spotlight begins to fade slightly, those in the ‘business’ can console themselves in the knowledge that there will always be a place for them eating spiders in the Australian jungle or swearing loudly at fellow has-beens in the Big Brother house.

Life, it would appear, is pretty rosy for the social elite.

Some people, though, want it all, refusing to accept that they have it about as good as it gets and, wouldn’t you just know it, Lady Luck is often on their side then, too.

Here are four celebrities – but a drop in a much larger ocean – who like to win big in all walks of life.

ben affleck casino

Ben Affleck: Oscar-winning, J-Lo-dating, Jennifer Garner-marrying, Affleck is about as A-list as they come. You would think that someone so enveloped by the Hollywood lifestyle would find it difficult to drag himself away from the glitz and glam, with life one big pool party in the Los Angeles hills. Millions of bucks taken from the movie business is not enough for the Gone Girl star, though, as he is known to be partial to the odd casino visit. And who can blame him? Affleck was reportedly barred from the tables of the Hard Rock Hotel in Las Vegas after embarking on an eye-watering winning streak. Betting $60,000 per hand at blackjack, he is said to have walked away with $800,000 in winnings – even after tipping the dealers $150,000. Well you would, wouldn’t you!

Ashton Kutcher

Ashton Kutcher: From the catwalk to the big screen, Demi Moore to Mila Kunis, you get the feeling that Kutcher could tumble head first into a slurry pit and come up smelling of roses. His luck is not restricted to his professional and personal life either, he even manages to score big on the hobby front. A renowned sports fan, one who can often be spotted court side at LA Lakers home games, Kutcher once made $750,000 in a single month as the head of a college football syndicate, placing bets for professionals who knew how to beat the system. He told Esquire Magazine what happened.

50 Cent

50 Cent: It should, perhaps, come as no great surprise to learn that a paid up member of the hip-hop community – one who is named after an American unit of currency – embraces every opportunity he gets to line his pockets. Rappers like the finer things in life, and they don’t come cheap. Money has to be made somewhere, and for Curtis Jackson that quest has taken him to the recording studio, the film set and the bookies. Mr Cent is known for having the odd flutter, and he doesn’t do things by halves when the mood takes him. He landed a cool $1 million in cash after betting on Floyd Mayweather’s super fight with Oscar de la Hoya, while he also banked $500,000 predicting the outcome of an NFC Championship game between the San Francisco 49ers and New York Giants in 2012. He admitted after that success to having ‘followed the voices in his head’. Why don’t the voices in our head offer such useful information?

Teddy Sheringham playing poker

Teddy Sheringham: We may be breaking from the Hollywood trend slightly here, but Teddy Sheringham was once about as showbiz as a professional footballer / soccer player gets. He may not be in the David Beckham/Cristiano Ronaldo bracket, but he is still a figure who transcends the sport that made him famous. For a long time the former England international was more accustomed to being the subject of wagers, with punters on exchanges such as those at betfair placing their trust and hard-earned cash on him doing the business on the field for the likes of Manchester United, Tottenham Hotspur and West Ham United in the English Premier League. Nowadays, while back in the game as manager of Stevenage, Sheringham has been known to dabble in the profitable world of poker. He has won close to £250,000 in live tournament events, has competed in two World Series of Poker and once collected €93,121 from a single contest in Vilamoura. Not a bad day’s work!

Different types of jackpots and prizes available on online casinos

Millions of people across the United Kingdom play casino games for the pure entertainment and fun they receive from the favourite slot, table and card games, although there are those who do so in the hope of making a considerable profit for their effort. The latter is made more lucrative by the inclusion of jackpots and prizes that come for those who are fortunate enough to choose the right strategy or hit a lucky break, and although each player is advised to set betting limits to ensure their hard-earned money is not lost straight away, the lure of striking gold can prove too much. Each form of prize is design to provide loyal customers with an excellent opportunity to win something more valuable than the original type of winnings that come with every game, with jackpot-based games already proving popular with casino gamers. There are a wide range of jackpots and prizes available across a network of online casino sites which vary in terms of the type of game they are tied to, and they present a nice incentive for more people to try new games in the hope of hitting the jackpot.

play casino games

Standard jackpots

Standard jackpots are usually a set amount of money that is rewarded to players who are lucky enough to hit the right combination or win a tournament. The latter particularly applies to playing poker online as many sites provide prize money for players who finish in a certain order at the final table, or are placed in the top ten. Each tournament comes with a buy-in value that ranges from 2p to much higher, with the prize money naturally increasing in the big-money tournaments that can be worth several thousands of pounds to the overall winner who plays it cool and manages to beat their opponents at the table. Slot machine and blackjack games can also provide standard jackpots for people who get lucky and hit the right combination, or score 21 from their two hold cards (ace and a ten, jack, queen or king) and have a chip placed on the jackpot spot.


Progressive jackpots

The amount of money that casino enthusiasts put into playing their favourite games was once unmatched by an increase in jackpot valuation that remained at a set figure. It is for this reason that numerous online casinos included progressive jackpots which effectively tracked the number of players and amount of money that has been played on a daily basis, and creates an ever-increasing jackpot limit that is only set back to its base value once one lucky player has struck gold. Slot machines undoubtedly stand out as the best, and most suitable, casino games that should include progressive jackpots to account for the number of people that are trying to win and makes each game more lucrative for others who may prefer card or table games to give it a go.

Special prizes

Money-based prizes have become commonplace in the world of online casinos, but there are some sites which still offer the opportunity for customers to win other forms of prizes, such as gift vouchers, holidays and cars. This particularly applies to bingo which continues to rise in popularity through its transition from casino halls to the internet; although the former continues to provide wonderfully sociable and enjoyable nights out for friends and bingo enthusiasts to play in a grand venue, the latter makes it more convenient and efficient for those to play via their computer, mobile or tablet at their own convenience and put themselves in with a chance of winning a big prize.

What are free casinos and how can they benefit me?

You’ve probably heard of online casinos, and even if you’re not a fan of gambling, you can name a couple of casino games and you’re likely to have a general knowledge of how to place bets and try winning some cash. However, you might discover that free casinos could provide you with lots of fun and might even be a method that you could use to win some money yourself.

What is meant by ‘free casino’?

A free casino is one whereby users can sign up and receive ‘free’ money in order to play and try their luck at winning some extra cash. The money which is given free to users upon signing up can only be used to play in the casino, and cannot be withdrawn. Depositing the free money gives the player the chance to participate in a variety of popular casino games, such as Slots and Roulette. One such example of free money is the free casino at, which gives £10 to each person who signs up, enhancing the whole online casino experience to the maximum!

free casino

Why should I try a free casino?

One of the reasons to try a free casino is the fact that you can see if it’s for you without actually having to invest any of your own money. While many online casinos will double your initial deposit or give you some free money once you pay money yourself, this does mean that you could potentially lose some of your own cash if you don’t win any of the games you’ve played.

If you’re apprehensive about trying an online casino, your best bet is to try a free one so that you can see whether or not you like it before spending money of your own.

Another reason to try a free casino is simply because you won’t feel under any pressure to win in order to get some money back, and this can make the whole experience a lot more enjoyable. Although you won’t be able to have a constant supply of free money from the casino, you will be able to ease yourself into it stress-free.

A final reason why free casinos are so popular with avid gamblers and newbies alike is that it gives you an easy and free way to see which games you’re good at before putting any real money down to play. For example, if you manage to win a couple of games that you’ve played with the free money, you know which ones you’re statistically more likely to win once you actually decide to dip into your own bank account and see if you can be a lucky gambler.

Questions to ask before joining a casino

Every casino player wants to be the best and beat the house. The million dollar question gamblers are asking is: ‘What winning strategy can I employ?’

The answer comprises close examination of several key elements, such as personal circumstances, choice of online casino, regulation, games played and state of mind.

In order to adopt a winning strategy it is important not to fall into the loser’s trap.

Personal circumstances

  • Is gambling a last-ditch attempt at making some money or are you gambling for fun?
  • Do you have a gambling budget or are you using borrowed money to try and make some more?
  • Do you know when to stop while you are gambling?

joining a casino

Choice of online casino

  • Online casinos are popping up just about everywhere on the Internet. Choose only an online casino which is reputable.
  • Are you able to game in your preferred language and currency?
  • What about rewards and bonus programs?
  • What are the online casino’s payout rates?

Regulation and Responsibility

  • Is your chosen casino licensed? Where? How? Which jurisdiction?
  • Does the casino adopt Responsible Gaming practices?

Games played

  • What games have you opted to play?
  • What is your proficiency level on these games?
  • Do you know the rules and have you read the fine print?

State of mind

  • Once the intricacies of online casinos have been understood, the most crucial factor comes into play – your state of mind. It is advisable not to play while being intoxicated, depressed or otherwise imbalanced.

How to win

By combining all these factors with level-headedness, a winning strategy can be employed. Winning has a lot to do with not selecting a losing strategy to begin with. The answer therefore is to use common sense, gathering as much information along the way as possible and knowing your limits. The rest is up to Lady Luck!

When flirting with lady luck, a little knowledge can go a long way!

How fair are those wheels?

Online roulette – falling into the pattern of behavior toward many online casino games – has come under scrutiny for the reliability of its random generator. Or more to the point, how random it really is. Online blackjack, poker and any other game you can think of that lives in the virtual world faces the same accusations from players on the losing end of the computer screen on a daily basis. But what about the actual wheel? Still the fairest of them all?

Someone asked the question recently whether you could find an honest wheel in Vegas, and I had to answer yes. Do I know for a fact? No more than I know if they’re still hammering people’s fingers for cheating at poker. But I’m using common sense when offering an answer to this. Keeping in mind, I’m narrowing my answer to bigger, reputable casinos and online casinos.


And that’s my point – reputable. We’re talking about a game that squarely (or roundly – heh) puts the advantage in the casino’s favor on every spin when they do just sit back and let physics do its thing. Why would any of these places need to risk their reputation and much more to “rig” a wheel every now and then? To me, it makes no sense. And like players do in every game, when you assess the risk/return of that, it doesn’t add up.

You’re talking about a game that for every big winner, there are thousands if not hundreds of thousands of small losers. No casino that enjoys those favorable odds is going to run the risk of having its license revoked to make a slightly higher percentage. So, rest assured, it has more to do with self-preservation than actually running a square game for the players (this is a money-making business after all), but the bottom line is the same – the game is legit.

I also heard, in the same breath of the original question, the statement of “what good is it to have the holy grail (of betting systems) when the table isn’t fair?” Ah, back to the silver bullet of roulette strategy – the fool-proof gambling system. Well, I’ll tell you what. When someone finally comes up with that, then I guarantee you won’t have to worry about a crooked wheel because the game will simply cease to exist.

But we all know you don’t have to worry about that.

Players Celebrate with Golden Kudo

Renowned for its bonus information-packed pages this vibrant site has quickly established itself as one of the premier destinations for the discerning casino player living in Japan, and to celebrate their very 1st anniversary members can take advantage of a truly fantastic mega prize giveaway bonanza!

The last twelve months has seen traffic through the site increase at a staggering rate once word was passed relating to the accurate information on all gambling related topics contained within the golden kudos pages, besides the great free games section this site has to offer. There is nothing quite like getting good press through player forums and reviews and are justifiably proud of all the positive feed back the site has received, which is well deserved, and has helped to establish their place firmly within the industry.

casino bonus information

So what can players expect when logging in? The answer is and amazing mega prize give away totalling over $50,000 worth of spectacular prizes open to all readers! All that is required to participate is sign up for the newsletter and then your name and your email address will automatically be entered into the prize draw, it really is that simple!

Prizes Include:

  • Plane tickets to take two lucky winners straight to Las Vegas where they can sample all the Vegas action for real
  • A full home poker set which includes the table to wow your friends with
  • 5 iPhone 6 so you can stay connected to your favourite games
  • 5 iPad 2 making mobile play that more exciting
  • 5 lucky winners will also receive a Harrods Luxury Hampers packed with everything you could possibly need to make a night in even better than a night out!

The above prizes are just a sample of what is on offer at Golden Kudo, and remember this prize draw is completely FREE and open to ALL readers. To be in with a chance of winning all you need to do is sign up for the Golden Kudo newsletter before the 31st October 2014 and the lucky winners will be informed late December as well as winners being announced on the site too.

Top Tips to Take Into Consideration when Gambling in Online Casinos

Gambling in online casinos is a great way to both win and lose money. Keep in mind that most people will lose and that is why you have to be really careful. Gambling is not something that is learned over night and everyone that is successful is more than aware of this fact. Let us consider some really important tips that you need to always take into account whenever gambling online.

The number one fact that you have to understand is that the mindset of the gambler is always that of a winner. Never start playing in online casinos without being calm and properly understanding the game that you play. Every single casino game will have a house edge that you need to take into account. It is crucial that you understand what system needs to be utilized in order to improve your chances of winning.

Make sure that you only gamble money that you can afford to lose. Bankroll management is important when gambling online and offline and if you end up placing bets with money that you need, you are most likely going to make really bad decisions and you will lose money. This is a guarantee since gambling while being controlled by emotions is always reality when you gamble money that is not yours or that is required to pay bills, buy items that are necessary and so on.

Gambling in Online Casinos

It is highly important that you choose a good online casino to play at that features a really good bonus scheme. Keep in mind that some rogue casinos do exist so always consult reviews and make sure that the casino that you play at is legit and checked by a national authority. When referring to the bonuses offered, look at the terms and conditions so that you can be sure that the games that you want to play will offer you the points necessary to receive the bonus. Most novice gamblers will make this mistake and will never receive their sign up bonus. For all blackjack fanatics out there, I would personally like to recommend allpro casino as they are offering generous and straight forward bonuses.

In conclusion we need to say that the most important part of online gambling in a casino is to know what you are doing. All games have some sort of method that can be used in order to increase your chances of winning. If you do not know them and you just play based on your gut feeling, it is almost a guarantee that you are eventually going to lose your money.

Why Wait When Instant Play Games Give You All The Fun You Want

Tired of waiting for other players to enter a room before the fun can begin at the casino? Ready to make quick cash without having to be stuck looking at the clock? This is where the instant play games come into play… if you’re willing to take the challenge, of course.

That’s right: just because you know right off the bat whether you win or lose doesn’t mean that it’s going to be easy. There’s still luck involved, which means that you just won’t know if you win anything until you play. But here’s the good part: it’s not really about skill the way it is with poker, blackjack, and even craps to a lesser degree. What we want to do here is have a good time without having to think about every detail. Winning money and having a good time is the goal, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

Instant Play Games

So, let’s get down to business. Why wait when instant play games give you all of the fun that you want? It all starts with selecting the best casino that’s going to meet your needs for a long time. Don’t think that you have to stay committed to just one casino. If they don’t take care of your needs, then you can always go and check out another casino. There’s really no loyalty in the casino world, which is why every casino tries to offer you some promotions designed to get you to stay. It’s always up to you whether you want to stay with a casino or move to another place.

Some casinos go one step further with instant win games. Instead of just playing the games, you should be able to chat with people as well. The social aspect is what will truly keep you coming back to the casino again and again. When you don’t really have that many friends around where you live, you have to pretty much take whatever you can get. Of course, there’s a time and a place where you really should consider going out and making some local friends. After all, your online casino friends can’t go to see a show with you or even go out for a takeaway. But if you’re looking to meet some new people and win some extra cash, those instant play games can be viewed as the gateway to some really good times. It’s completely up to you, so good luck!